Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Communication 508 - Personal Opinion of Debate

     At our last Communication class before all of us headed into spring break Dr. Lopez Medel divided us into groups of 4 and had us identify brands based on what we had discussed earlier in class.  We further categorized the brands by labeling them as either Fast, Strong, Social or Smart.  This was an enjoyable task among our group of four.  Bringing the class outside was also a welcoming change.  We brainstormed what we felt were appropriate brands for the suggested categories and then further reduced the number to come up with the preliminary four through the process of debating among our half of the team.
     Once we had identified our four brands we merged back with the other half of our class to further advocate on behalf of our choices.  It was an amicable debate accross the board.  We did not always agree on some of the selected brands and the category we had placed them in but the exercise was interesting.   For example one group had identified Stop and Shop as a social brand while the other group felt it was a stronger brand; and there was a bit of disagreement with the smart brand, one group identified Chrysler and the other Louis Vutton.  Everyone argued their rational for how the brands were identified and as I mentioned before no one was quick to judge or make insensitive comments.  Not everyone was happy with our final four but our discussion was full of enthusiasm, encouragement and support.  It was a comfortable debate and a appreciated experience.  Having to concede while not always something we want to do is something that helps groups move forward and therefore necessary.  As class continues I look forward to further stimulation from subjects like the one we worked on last Tuesday.  Thank you.

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