Thursday, April 19, 2012

Burger King Commercials

     Well the King of Burgers appears to have reacted to the recent second place rating in total revenue for 2011 by revamping its menu items and using popular celebrities to send its public a message; what exactly is that message?   When Wendy's edged Burger King recently in total revenues everyone knew including Burger King that it needed to make some changes and decide who it wanted to be.  Many believed that the changes needed to include new menu options, healthy choices, updating their look and focusing on promotions like a catchy phrase that can immediately be associated with Burger King.
   In response to the organization's small but possibly pivotal decline, Burger King has released five new commercials using the King of football (soccer) David Beckham, the King of late night television, Jay Leno and female counterparts Salma Hayek and Sophia Vergara.  Interestingly enough the commercials appear to be directed at the growing population of Latinos in this country as well as the late night goers.  David Beckham appeals to the Latinos because of his success as a football player as well  his attractive features and sex appeal.  Salma Hayek and Sophia Vergara are both Latina born actresses that appeal to different sectors in the community and have also been hired to assist Burger King in persuasive marketing.  Salma's commercial is both in Spanish and in English while Sophia's is geared towards the Spanish Speaking public.  As for Jay Leno as I mentioned earlier he is referred to as the King of Late night and attracts a more mature, adult late eating public.
     My expectations of Burger King included new commercials and promotions but the use of 4 high profile celebrities did not cross my mind.  I do however believe that this maybe in fact a great move for Burger King.  Despite it being the King of Burgers its strategy to use the sex appeal of the celebrities hired to promote their healthier products maybe exactly what the public has been waiting for and I do think this is going to work.  If nothing more it has certainly changed the way we look at Burger King and we all know that unfortunately sex appeal in many countries sells.  It will be interesting to see if Burger King is able to evaluate the effectiveness of their new commercials in the next 6-12 months.  As there new saying goes "Exciting things are happening at Burger King" let's stay tuned we do not want to miss anything....

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